
My DPN Journey

My view on cosmetic procedures has changed over time. I owe it all to my sister. She has become an advocate for the practice. Anything that makes you look or feel better, she’s all for it. From facials to laser removal, nothing is out of the realm of becoming reality. You want clearer skin, find a good dermatologist and aesthetician. They go hand in hand. Her philosophy is, you don’t like it, change it and do your research because you get what you pay for! Life has been kind of good to me, as people are always shocked when they find out my age. I know in order to fight the aging process, it requires maintenance. On my quest for healthy skin, I had to address a condition that had gotten the best of me. Follow me as I take you on my journey with Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra.

First, let’s start off with the obvious, what is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN). Well, in a nutshell, Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra are raised growths of hyperpigmentation, commonly found in people of color. They are benign and usually not a medical concern as the common symptom is itching. Besides being a cosmetic annoyance, they can be a nuisance as items such as clothes and hair tend to get caught on them. DPNs can grow on almost any part of the body. I can’t remember my life without DPNs. I started off having one here and one there and then all of a sudden they were everywhere. Having DPNs never really bothered me. I didn’t know much about them and wasn’t sure if I could even do anything to get rid of them. So, I just lived with them. But one day in the cafeteria of my job, I noticed a woman who I vaguely remembered from seeing in passing. Maybe I remembered her because she had the same condition as me, but this day she looked different. Her face was clearer. I didn’t say a word but inconspicuously inspected her face. Where the DPNs were now there were red spots. She had them removed. I was intrigued but stayed silent. Until one day when instead of my DPNs being the well-behaved houseguest that I had gotten used to they became the houseguest who had now overstayed their welcome. You know, those guest who after a while feel so comfortable they start using all your favorite products. At that moment I decided to rescinded my invitation and they had to GO!

After doing some research on the removal process, I had a consultation with my dermatologist and quickly decided to go through with treatment. On the day of the procedure, I arrived at the doctor’s office one hour early. This was required because the treated area needed to be numbed with Lidocaine. Because my face was being treated, it was numbed. The procedure entailed zapping each nodule with currency which“burns” the DPN and they turn into instant scabs. In the days after the procedure, each scab falls off until they’re all gone, which took two weeks. You’re provided with a regimen to follow during the healing process and subsequently.

Why did I get it done? If you suffer from this condition, you may share the same feelings I had. Even though they caused no medical concern, DPNs started to change the overall appearance of my face. My complexion was darker and my skin felt rough and uneven. My makeup never applied correctly and because they started to spread so rapidly, I knew I had to minimize their effects and to achieve a clearer complexion.

Now let’s get into what everyone wants to know, cost! The cost ranges based on geographical location and who is providing the treatment. If done by a dermatologist expect to pay more. Some states such as Florida allow the procedure to be performed by an aesthetician which could lower the cost. Plan to spend hundreds of dollars based on how may DPNs you are having removed and what region of your body is being treated. Please do your research as there doesn’t seem to be much information online. I was able to find some information on several dermatology sites that specialize in treating the condition. After treatment, there is a potential to develop hyperpigmentation which should be discussed with you prior to treatment. Also, the two beauty items that will become a staple for you will be moisturizer and sunscreen. Again, do your research and find a great provider to help you on your DPN journey.

Day of the Procedure Lidocaine on Face
Several Hours After Procedure
Day 2 Lots of Sunscreen









Day 6 Lots of Healing
3 Weeks Retouch on Missed Areas
3 Weeks In Retouch on Missed Areas









4 Month Later
Hyfrecator 2000